Opa Mind

Opa Mind has developed a unique exciting new '' Voice Driven '' support platform for people who struggle with emotional & mental health pressures. A developer of AI-based voice-driven mental wellness tools, designed for self-engagement and monitoring of emotional states. The company has developed a voice input system that has the ability to listen and display various metrics based on a person’s emotional state, also vocal biomarker analysis, and personalized support space, enabling individuals to undertake actionable follow-up steps in order to improve health and wellbeing.

Demo Video

Rather just press play and see the Opa Mind App in action? No worries, watch me zip through the app in less than four minutes

The UX Challenge

Helping tackle the various stigma’s around emotional health, presents a huge challenge. As Opa Mind official UX Designer, designing an easy-to-use solution to help people towards positive goals is the main objective.

The UX Approach

As a new start-up company, it was essential that starting out I was able to capture the vision Opa Mind had for our clients. Throughout the design process, I held weekly meetings with the founder and co-founder to ensure that the design was created, was approved but would be suitable for our future clients.

The Final Product

The Opa Mind app has been fully designed and is currently in it’s final development phase and is expected to launch in Dublin, Ireland in early-mid September.

The UX Impact

Our technology is leading edge and scientific in nature, however, our real value is having the care, understanding, empathy, and lived experience to walk in your shoes, the Opa Mind users, guiding you all towards a better quality of life.

Key Features

Opa Mind main feature is giving its user’s the capability to record their emotions/feeling at any moment.

The Mood Score, no matter the time of day, Opa mind users can rate how they are feeling by sliding the scale feature and the emoji will reflect their mood and score.

The Wheel of life, scores each area of their life. This allows the user to track and see what areas of their life may need more work than others.


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